I will praise my Lord

“For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them.” -Matthew 8:20         Culture shock at church? I didn’t expect that.  Who would have known that singing worship music in Spanish would be so different, but at the same time inspiring? Who would have known that my ears would get used to the blast of the speakers while a little girl sings at the top of her lungs, and somehow, deep inside, I truly love it? Who would have known that the white and green plastic seats we use as pews and my neighbors signing...

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Poverty: Search for an Unbiased Perspective

I’m going to preface this blog with the following comments: 1) I am obsessed with asking questions about the nature of God and the universe in which we live. 2) This blog will try to represent only a handful of thoughts that have been in my mind during these past few weeks since coming to Nicaragua. 3) For those of you who don’t know me personally, I am a Social Justice Major in college and issues of poverty and wealth deeply affect me. I do come from a wealthy background, but I have set out on a path that is leading me toward community and solidarity with people on the margins. Last...

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A Taste of This Sisterhood

  If this doesn't scream love and unity… I don't know what does.   Jinotepe   Note to self: carry toilet paper with you on visitations   Beware: wind may blow the curtain up while you're in the bathroom Laundry hanging everywhere including our own courtyard   These precious faces drawn me into this ministry more every time I see them  forget the cup- we drink straight from the coconut  the rarity for us: actually riding inside a vehicle  Benjamin & Kevin- two young men who are always...

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Culture Shock.

       Well, it happened. You know, that moment every missionary talks about. The one they say will cause you to never be the same. It’s a moment that the reality of these people’s lives is so overwhelming that you literally cannot grasp it. It takes time to process, and still it’s not clear that these people actually live every day of their life this way.  Even with all we have in the U.S. we aren’t always happy. But, these people have nothing and they never fail to have a smile on their face, no matter what their teeth look like (if...

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Filled Up With Faith!

     I think so far the hardest thing for me in Nicaragua is that we do not have a routine each day. Back in the United States I am always busy. I work a lot and rarely have free time. Although it is good for me to have this down time while I am here, I was expecting my busy lifestyle in Michigan to just turn into a busy lifestyle in Nicaragua; however that has not been the case. Each night we ask our “mom” what we are doing the next day and the response is usually the same, “We are going to do some prayer walking in the morning.” Then sometimes (if...

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El Volcan Mombacho!

       First of all, Nicaragua is AMAZING! The people here are awesome, and the team of girls I’m serving with is even better. I know that God is going to do incredible things while I’m here and I’m so excited to see how He is going to use me personally.        Tuesday was our day off, and feeling adventures we decided as a team (kind of) to hike a volcano. I mean it sounds awesome, how hard can it be right?!  The nine of us piled into the back of a pickup truck with tennis shoes on, backpacks full of Bibles,...

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