If you know anything, you take the shuttle…

            After hiking straight uphill for over two and a half hours my dear friend Wendi Freilich jokingly made the comment, “If you know anything, you take the shuttle.” For our first day off from ministry we decided to ride in the back of Pastor Manuel’s pickup truck to Mombacho, a nearby dormant volcano that we read about. At the base of the volcano we had been told what the additional fee for the shuttle bus was and, thinking the shuttle was merely a friendly option for inexperienced hikers or those who couldn’t handle the typical...

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my life, my name, my calling.

Lately I’ve been snacking on a bag of Dove dark chocolates. If you’ve ever had a piece of Dove chocolate you know that on the inside of each wrapper there is an inspirational message such as, “make the most of everyday” or “keep promises you make to yourself.” Well, I stopped reading these messages because I’ve eaten so many chocolate pieces and now the messages all repeat themselves. Tonight I opened one of my few remaining pieces and popped it in my mouth. I was about to crinkle up the wrapper and throw it away, but for some reason I stopped and...

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Take Two

    Who would have thought that only 9 weeks after returning home from the World Race, I would be back out on the field??? I sure didn’t. God tends to surprise me…A LOT. I have grown accustomed to change; so when the Lord said it was time to change some things around, I was obedient. I am now a team leader for a Real Life trip to Nicaragua! I am co-leading a group of 7 incredible women of God who LONG to see HIS presence unfold. Not only am I excited to be emptied of myself (only to be filled back up with the Holy Spirit) but I am beyond blessed to walk alongside...

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