
Life in Nicaragua

It´s beautiful here. We´re staying in a really nice hotel right now called Caseo Mateo, and all the people are so welcoming. They invite us to their churches and bible studies at their homes. Some of the people tend to be a little to friendly with all the honking and whistling lol but no worries we stay in big groups.
The kids here are the most precious thing. It broke my heart the first day we arrived when some children ran up to our bus and starting washing our windows and when we gave them three dollars they were the happiest things ever. To us three dollars seems like so little but to them it meant so much. But they´re still so joyous. They have such happy smiles and laughter.
Oh and we eat lots of beans. and rice. We tend to visit the market alott umm umm chocolate =)
Well this spanish key board is a little difficult to type on but everything is going good and God is doing great things!
Love Amanda

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