
Let’s Make it Rain

Hello all! Oh man it has been quite a crazy adventure the last four days. I can tell you right now that I already feel like a different person! Awesome!

I just want to say it right now that I love love LOVE my teammates! They are so encouraging and understanding! And I cannot wait to get closer to them on this journey that we all are taking together.

During these last four days God has showed me that I am worthy to be known and that I am wanted and all that I really need to do is to take that leap of faith and open myself up to people and a new opportunities to show people who I really am. The funny thing about all of this though it that like laterally like five days ago (yes the day before I left) I was having lunch with a couple of friends and we got into the same talk about how I needed to open myself up to people. Well prayer answered ladies! I am thankful that God has finally got this word to me after I feel like two years of having this mindset that no one should know anything about me until the ask. I can say that I am free for the prison of rejection, as we call it here.  Oh God is so good! This is the biggest thing that God has taught me in the last four days and I am telling you now that there is much more that I , but that is a story for another blog and a different time.

To any future people that are looking to go into Adventures in Missions I want to tell you now that prepared to have your world rocked. You are going to have to get out of your comfort zone. You will have to learn what it really means to have a community. But, don’t be scared because our Lord is your strength. 

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I feel bad for you…