
Broken Pieces Into Masterpieces

Tiled It!

We are the tile. Broken and messy.

Without direction we will continue to be broken.

It’s all about the details.

One bad cut of tile can mess up an entire row.

You can never do anything to make God not love you, no matter how many mess ups.

A relationship with God allows you to build from the ground up, just as the tile.

With Him we can become new, and nothing is too hard for him.

Just as the house we are on earth, but are being used for something greater than us.

We are building his kingdom and we cannot do it alone.

Instead of filling the gap with broken pieces of sin, fill them in with clean pieces of Christ.

Masterpiece complete.

– Zach Coleman and Laura-Lee Baynard

Your dream team to the extreme, dynamic duo.

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