
And then the rains came

I have been learning so much. First off God is everywhere. In every little back corner bush house. He is there. I don´t know why it took me coming here to realize that. That he has people working for him everywhere. He talk to people here a lot more then he does in the states i think anyway.  There is a womens group that meets once a week and we wen once. It was just in someones house and they invited us. They sang sounds and praised God and told their stories. It was great. They really have a heart for their people and want to see a different life for their children. God is using them to change their world.  Secondly we have got it GOOD in the states. I lived almost a week without running water and let me tell you its hard. We had to catch rain water in these big drums. I don´t think I have ever prayed for rain before. That day that we ran out of water and were wondering how we were going to flush the tolets much less clean ourselfs I found myself with a new apericaton for water. That night God gave us running water…and to make things better late that night it rained.  We take for granted things like AC and screens to keep bugs out. (there are lots of flyies) Even the food we eat. life has become way to comfortable and I think people are missing some off the best things because of it. I definately appericate the little things in life alot more now. The importance of life direction and education and organization. Anyway…o and health.. i got sooo sick the other day and was bed ridden like never before. I am better now, but goodness. The people here are very friendly and the children are soo sweet. The families are very trusting they just let us take there kids and go play. Something that would never happen the states. I got to have a bonding experince with some teen girls and it was awesome. They came over to the center were we live and brought all this nail polish stuff. We had talk about doing there nails before, but when is sat on the floor to get started they started to do ours instead. Julie, one of the girls, gave me a full out foot srub. We do a lot of walking here and let me tell you my feet were not pretty. I was so toughed and amazed to see the kindness of God in strangers. Anyway I will stop cause I could go on forever. Love you much.


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