
Tears, Fears, and Obnoxious Cheers!

Tears, Fears, and Obnoxious Cheers…..

…..that's what this camp has been made of!

One qoute that had really been sticking with me lately is one from Marguerite Youreanar.

"To possess is that same thing as to know: the Bible is always right."

When I first read this I thanked God for the ability to understand and to know things like..

His power, love and grace

Beauty in its most natural form

How to make sweet tea

How to talk and communicate

But…what I didn't know that God was gonna do was allow me to experiencing NOT knowing.

God, yeah, He's pretty sneaky about things.

He decided to remove from my knowledge my actual participation on the
Nicaragua Passport Trip…

Yeah, I thought I was going because of three reasons.

  1. I had been accepted.                            
   2. I had all the money.                             
3. I was at training camp, wasn't I!?!   

But I forgot about one MASSIVE part of this trip!

Yeah I forgot that God had a plan…

Don't worry, God knew I had forgotten about it too, so He showed me.

These three days have been challenging at the least, but man have I grown!

When I first learned that I may not be going to Nicaragua, I began to:

1. Distract myself from my thoughts                               
2. Divert my feelings from those I was actually feeling
3. Dismissing that I needed help to get through this

Just so you know, it didn't go to well.

But God had that all worked out too.

On the surrender walk I realized:


1. I am not recovering, I am recovered

2. God had been calling my name       

3. Whether or not I go to Nicaragua, this
summer is still dedicated to
RADICAL courage for God.

I have declared salvation over myself.
I have declared an identity in Christ ALONE.


Oh and guess what!


GOD decalared that I AM going to Nicaragua tomorrow!!!!

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