
Melvin and Elvin

Out of all the kids that come in and out of the center, there are obviously a few that you´re going to get to know more than others. Two of my main men are 9 year old twins named Melvin and Elvin (I´m not going to lie, I hate their mother for doing that). These boys are identical, down to which teeth are missing, and people in their barrios can´t even tell them apart. A girl was going around saying everyone´s name and she called Melvin Elvin and he of course loudly corrected her. What a life to only be different by one letter.
These boys have been engaged in the center and love coming every time something is offered. Walking back to the barrios we´ll have mini English lessons, and the next day, Melvin will run up excitedly saying, “My name is Melvin! My name is Melvin!” Pretty precious.
We went to their barrios the other day to get to know some of the families of the kids we´ve spent so much time with. While we were there, Melvin was coming into the houses where we were speaking and sharing the Gospel. When we were walking to another house he asked me if I had a Bible. We have Spanish Bibles to give out, but we wanted to make sure he actually wanted it, and that it wasn´t going to be used for third base. We asked him if he had one and he said no with a really downcast look on his face. When we asked if he wanted one, joy flooded into his face as he repeatedly told us yes. When we gave it to him, April asked him if he was excited and he was literally jumping up and down. We wrote on the inside To Melvin and Elvin and something along the lines of Jesus loves you and God lives.
Elvin had the Bible and I opened it up to John 3:16 because I figured that was a good starter. He then took the Bible from me and opened it directly to Psalm 23 and told me it was his favorite.
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 
 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
       he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul.
       He guides me in paths of righteousness
       for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
       through the valley of the shadow of death, = oneYearInMilliseconds; } jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { // Code below this point will only work when a Forminator shortcode is on the page const formElement = $('.forminator-custom-form'); if (formElement.length === 0) { //console.log("The form element is not present on the page. The code will not run."); return; } // Function to check if local storage has the country information function checkLocalStorageForCountry() { if (!testStorage) {return false;} // Parse the stored data and check the timestamp for freshness const storedCountryInfo = localStorage.getItem("ip_location_timestamp"); if (storedCountryInfo) { if (isExpired(storedCountryInfo)) { // Country information has expired, remove it from local storage localStorage.removeItem("ip_location_timestamp"); localStorage.removeItem("ip_location_continent_code"); localStorage.removeItem("ip_location_continent_name"); localStorage.removeItem("ip_location_country_code"); localStorage.removeItem("ip_location_country_name"); localStorage.removeItem("ip_location_state"); localStorage.removeItem("ip_location_region_name"); localStorage.removeItem("ip_location_city"); localStorage.removeItem("ip_location_zip"); localStorage.removeItem("ip_location_latitude"); localStorage.removeItem("ip_location_longitude"); console.log("Country information has expired and removed from local storage."); return; } else { // Country information is still valid, use it console.log("Country information found in local storage."); return; } } // Make the API request to get country information $.getJSON( "https://api.ipgeolocation.io/ipgeo?apiKey=04fcdc1efade4ffd85d62ffc933ff6d5&ip=" + ipLookup, function (data) { localStorage.setItem("ip_location_timestamp", Date.now()); localStorage.setItem("ip_location_continent_code", data.continent_code); localStorage.setItem("ip_location_continent_name", data.continent_name); localStorage.setItem("ip_location_country_code", data.country_code2); localStorage.setItem("ip_location_country_name", data.country_name); localStorage.setItem("ip_location_state", data.state_prov); localStorage.setItem("ip_location_region_name", data.district); localStorage.setItem("ip_location_city", data.city); localStorage.setItem("ip_location_zip", data.zipcode); localStorage.setItem("ip_location_latitude", data.latitude); localStorage.setItem("ip_location_longitude", data.longitude); console.log("Country information stored in local storage."); } ); } // Ask for the user's location when the page loads if ("geolocation" in navigator) { // Get the user's location using Geolocation API navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( function (position) { // Get latitude and longitude values var latitude = position.coords.latitude; var longitude = position.coords.longitude; // Store the location data in localStorage localStorage.setItem("user_location_latitude", latitude); localStorage.setItem("user_location_longitude", longitude); // Call Google Maps Geocoding API to get address information $.ajax({ url: `https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=${latitude},${longitude}&key=YOUR_API_KEY`, method: "GET", success: function (response) { if (response.status === "OK") { // Extract the formatted address from the response const address = response.results[0].formatted_address; // Store the address in LocalStorage localStorage.setItem("address", address); // Extract other parts of the address from the response const components = response.results[0].address_components; const city = getComponentValue(components, "locality"); const state = getComponentValue(components, "administrative_area_level_1"); const country = getComponentValue(components, "country"); const postalCode = getComponentValue(components, "postal_code"); localStorage.setItem("user_location_country_name", country); // Use the extracted country value localStorage.setItem("user_location_state", state); localStorage.setItem("user_location_city", city); localStorage.setItem("user_location_zip", postalCode); } else { console.log("Unable to fetch address information."); } }, error: function () { console.log("An error occurred while fetching address information."); }, }); // Helper function to extract a specific component value from the response function getComponentValue(components, type) { for (const component of components) { for (const componentType of component.types) { if (componentType === type) { return component.long_name; } } } return ""; } }, function (error) { // Handle error if (error.code === error.PERMISSION_DENIED) { // User denied the request for location access console.log("User denied the request for location access."); } else if (error.code === error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE) { // Unable to obtain a position fix console.log("Unable to obtain a position fix. Please try again later."); } else if (error.code === error.TIMEOUT) { // The request to get user location timed out console.log("The request to get user location timed out. Please try again."); } else { // An unknown error occurred console.log("An unknown error occurred while getting location."); } } ); } else { // Geolocation is not supported by the browser console.log("Geolocation is not supported."); } checkLocalStorageForCountry(); });