
Lindy (Be Ridiculous!)

For Your Amusement:

kids call me Lindy. It´s easier to pronounce and it stuck with
everyone, truth be told, I kinda like it. They love screaming LINDY! when I walk by in the barrios. After an afternoon of playing soccer with some kids, I
came inside and was sitting by the guitar.
Several kids followed me in, and one girl shouted ¨Lindy, toca la
guitara por favor!¨
If you know me at all, you know that I do NOT play
the guitar, nor do I have any musical talent what-so-ever. But hey,
when in Nicaragua, go for the gold and live dangerously.

So I picked up this silly guitar and strummed my heart out while
singing Abre Mis Ojos Oh Cristo¨ (Open the eyes of my heart, the only
spanish song I know by heart right now) I´m sure it sounded awful.
Goodness knows I can´t even sing, but ohhh how the kids loved it. For some
reason, random strumming and the same lyrics on repeat brought joy to
their lives. I played for a long while. Holly was sweet enough to bring me more lyrics so
I could actually sing more than just the one song. Honestly, singing the same song for fifteen minutes is just loco.

Already, I´m learning to be silly, to be goofy, and to live passionately in everything I do.
¿So what if I look retarded? Look like a fool for God. Be willing to
step out and shout out His name for His glory. God cares more about our character than our comfort. Be bold
and be willing this week, friends.
With Love,
What can you be praying for?
-the health of our team… we had a lot of sickness this week.
-God to be moving in powerful ways here

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