
Going To Rehab

The other day our team split up and went either to an elderly home or a rehab center. I went to the rehab center where we were able to spend time with the men giving our testimonies and hearing theirs, as well as singing songs in English and Spanish. It was cool to see how two sisters from Guatemala had created this community focused around God to help these men get over their addictions. After we had finished our ¨service¨we walked around to see the land and some of the men started giving us mangos from one of their trees. As we stood there even more were falling off the trees, somewhat threatening I must say. But while eating the mangos I thought about how lucky I was to be eating fresh mangos off a tree, with guys who are changing their lives around, in what seemed like the middle of the jungle in Nicaragua. And the fact that over the past week or so I had eaten mangos, coconuts, star fruits, and avocados all straight off the tree. The more I thought about it the more I was grateful to serve in this country that is at times so beautiful and rich while at times so poor and desperate. I pray that God continues to bless our time here and bless the people that we meet and that we´re working with.

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