
Blank stares and productivity?

We started street ministry this week. We went into a barrio and performed. Before each performance we had to go and invite people to watch and participate in our program. At first it was hard for me to walk up to people’s houses and invite them in Spanish, but it started to get better after I had to do it again and again. In the beginning I was concerned about the effectiveness of our ministry. At training camp we talked about first building a relationship with people and then telling them about God. This project of our church here, Missión 70, did the opposite. We went in, not knowing the people, and immediately talked about God. The people let us pray for them and their children, but mostly accepted us and watched our dancing and dramas with blank stares. However, we kept going back to the barrio, again and again this week continuing our program. Yesterday we changed things around a bit. Instead of doing our program, we set up five stations and had different games for the kids. The children came from all around, most of them kids we had met during our various programs. After the games our Nicaraguan counterparts related the game to Christ. I am not sure if a lot of what we have said about God has really soaked in yet, but we are building a relationship with these children and hopefully, eventually, they will understand why we have come and who Jesus is.  

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