
Have you “cleaned” your house?

How many of you have ever "cleaned up" by hiding your junk in a drawer or in a closet? You know what it is like when someone says they are coming over in 5 minutes, and you have to “clean up.” What ends up happening is that your guest assumes that your house is "clean" and everything is in place. But what they don't realize is that you have hidden junk, and that truthfully your house is a MESS!

So, I know many of you are wondering how this story pertains to anything. The truth of the matter is, I was that MESSY house. My whole life I have stuffed all the negative things in my life in one huge pile. I never wanted to admit to it. So I stuffed it; where no one can see it. Since I have been in Nicaragua, I have realized that I can’t just keep stacking my problems one on top of another.

Just because I hide my issues, doesn’t mean that I don’t have issues.

On Valentine Day, we heard a sermon about unforgiveness and the speaker said that we don’t forgive because we are nice but because God forgave us.

Colossians 3: 13b Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.

I did not know until a couple weeks ago that I had unforgiveness towards someone. After the sermon we wrote any unforgiveness that we had against anyone. Once we had written everything we took our paper and wrote "Love shows no record of wrong” and then we threw it in the bonfire.

I gave my burden to God and that was the best decision I could have ever made.

Although unforgiveness is just one of my issues that I have stacked in my pile, the good thing is that after 18 years I am finally going through my pile. I know that it is not going to be “cleaned” over night but I know that one day it will be “cleaned” and I will be completely set FREE!!!!

So I ask you are you that MESSY house? If so, just how much longer can you continue to stack your problems one on top of another?

I challenge you to examine yourself because the taller your stack is, the longer it takes to go through it.


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